Great Manifestation Journal Prompts You Should Try

Great Manifestation Journal Prompts You Should Try

Simply writing down the future you want may not seem like an effective way to change bad habits, increase productivity, and reach your goals, but you may be surprised. Manifestation journal prompts are designed to do just that. While you don’t have to use prompts, they’re ideal if you’re not sure where to start or prefer a guided method, which works well for many people.

What Is a Manifestation Journal?

Before going any further, let’s look at what a manifestation journal is. This isn’t your standard journal format. Instead, a manifestation journal uses the law of attraction to help bring about the changes in your life that you want and need most.

Great Manifestation Journal Prompts You Should Try What

Often, you write about the future (future-self journaling works well for this too) to motivate you to start making small changes in your daily life. You’ll even plan out your goals, new habits, negative behaviors to change, and what you’re grateful for. All of this combines to create a powerful roadmap to positive change in your professional and personal lives.

While this is just a brief overview before diving into the manifestation journal prompts, you can check out our manifestation journal guide to learn more and see how to get started.

Using Manifestation Journal Prompts

There isn’t a magic list of prompts that work for everyone, so pick out what appeals most to you. At times, you may feel uncomfortable with the level of self-discovery, but this is part of the process. After all, it’s hard to change if you’re not able to see how and why you need to change to get where you want to be in life.

Great Manifestation Journal Prompts You Should Try Prompts

Some people pick a set of prompts and use them each week or month. Other people use a different prompt daily. It’s completely up to you. Ideally, try to journal daily or at least a few times a week. The routine is a large part of why this journaling technique works, as it keeps you on track and changes your brain to work hard for future benefit versus just instant gratification. Also, be honest with your responses.

Best Free Manifestation Journal Prompts

When you’re just starting out, free prompts work great. All you need is a journal. While it’s been proven that writing by hand tends to be more effective, feel free to type your entries too. Once again, do what works best for you.

Manifest Like Whoa

Great Manifestation Journal Prompts You Should Try Whoa

It takes a bit of scrolling to get to the 60 free prompts, which start around half-way down the page. However, I personally like the way they’re grouped into themes. The first set actually focuses on helping you understand more about manifestation journaling and overcoming any reasons you might not want to try it.

Prompts 21 through 40 are the most powerful, in my opinion. These guide you through envisioning your ideal self, figuring out why manifestations aren’t working, discovering your purpose, and diving into your current feelings and challenges. The morning and night routine to craft better days is also incredibly helpful.

Abundance No Limits

Great Manifestation Journal Prompts You Should Try Abundance

Abundance No Limits offers up 80 free manifestation journal prompts geared toward beginners. I’d recommend doing these in order, as they guide you from understanding the journaling process and purpose to uncovering how you really feel and how you want to feel. These prompts cover everything from success to relationships. They’re simple, but don’t let that fool you. You’ll see change if you take the prompts seriously.

Prana XO

Great Manifestation Journal Prompts You Should Try Prana

We’ve talked about trying a 365-day productivity challenge, which you can also do with manifestation journaling. Prana XO takes a similar approach with its 30-day journaling challenge. If you’re looking for prompts to get you started quickly and to help you see positive changes in just a month, I’d recommend giving this challenge a try. After getting out of the journaling habit, this challenge helped me get back on track and get rid of a few bad habits holding me back.

Each day is a new prompt. Schedule five to 10 minutes daily to make the most of the challenge.

You Decode

Great Manifestation Journal Prompts You Should Try You Decode

I’ve used quite a few of You Decode’s manifestation journal prompts, especially during the worst of the pandemic. With 73 prompts to choose from, you’ll find plenty to help manifest the future and change you want.

What I really like about these is that they focus on the future with a nice blend of gratitude. The prompts start around halfway down the page. I haven’t used all the prompts yet, but these may actually be the most powerful ones and work great whether you’re a beginner or not. I actually use the first three weekly, which include:

  1. I can simplify my life by …
  2. I’m achieving this goal. It is important to me because …
  3. My future self is …

Guided Manifestation Journals

While you can buy a blank journal or use a Word doc, you can also buy guided manifestation journals filled with prompts. Some feature templates and suggestions to help create a more effective journaling habit. A few great options to start with include:

You won’t see change overnight, but if you’re willing to take action based on what you learn through journaling, you can manifest a happier, more productive, and more successful life.

Crystal Crowder

Crystal's spent over 15 years writing about technology, productivity, and a little of everything else. She's always trying out new ways to beat procrastination and distractions to stay more productive and hopefully work fewer hours.