7 Easy Positive Changes that Will Improve Your Life

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No matter who you are, where you live or what you do, changing your life for the better is what we always want to do. We know there are things we can do that will make our lives better, but we may not have taken the time to incorporate them into our routines or lives. When we feel like something is too hard, we give up, sometimes before we even begin. Instead of always focusing on the hard-to-achieve milestones, how about looking at the easy changes you can make to think and live more positively? 

1. Exercise

Everyone knows that exercise can improve your life, but that does not mean you are willing to start. Physically, exercise will help you get in better shape, feel more agile and can ultimately approve your appearance. According to research, it can also help you avoid that nasty cold. Exercise can also increase positive thinking, reduce your anxiety, prevent depression, and make you feel better.

Luckily, starting to exercise is easy. Your routine can be as basic as going for a thirty-minute walk each morning. You don’t have to jog or run a marathon to start – just get up and go. As you begin exercising, you will wake up feeling better, stronger and with a vastly improved mindset. This will improve even more as you continue to exercise. It’s a win for your body and your mind. 

Easy Positive Changes Life Exercise

2. Help Others

There are two different kinds of positive change you can adopt: doing something good for yourself or doing something good for others. While the former has plenty of benefits, the latter can help improve your life just as easily. Volunteering to work for a charity can provide you with a significant mental health benefit. You will not only remember how fortunate you are but also how good it feels to help others. By helping others, we are giving ourselves a direct pathway to happiness. In other words, that old adage of “Do unto others” might just be one of the best changes you can make that will dramatically improve your life.

3. Eating Healthy

Easy Positive Changes Life Eating Healthy

Research has long suggested that healthy food choices not only have a physical benefit but also long-term mental health benefits as well. Eating healthy can lead to improved moods according to a 2017 study. As with exercise, you can start eating healthy today. There is no barrier to getting started whatsoever.  

4. Developing a Productive Routine

Finding a routine that works for you is not always easy, but the impact on your life can be incredibly important. A routine can help you balance your family, work, habits, hobbies, and more. Start with something small like going to bed at the same time every night. If you begin with something small like bedtime, your body can prepare itself to fall asleep every night. That’s far better than laying awake at night and feeling frustrated about not being able to fall asleep.

A good night’s sleep can play an important role in your health. Beyond bedtime, each step you take in developing a routine will bring about additional happiness and overall life improvements. You will feel more organized and ready to take on the day and also be able to create more time for you. 

5. Let Go of Regret

Regrets only hold us back in life. You cannot change the email you sent today or the things you said, so it’s important to let go. Letting go is not equivalent to forgetting it. If you made a mistake, learn from it and do not make the same mistake the next time, but don’t let the regret get to you. Take time each night to remember all of the positive things that happened throughout the day. Eventually, you will train your brain to focus on the positive and not the negative things you wish you had done differently.

One easy way to kick off this life change is to perform the “Balloon Exercise.” Blow up a bunch of balloons and write a regret on each one, then let the balloons go. This is a powerful moment that will feel like a ton of bricks being lifted from your shoulders. 

6. Reading

Easy Positive Changes Life Reading Book

Reading is unquestionably one of the easiest positive changes you can make that will improve your life. It’s so simple, yet picking up a book can be one of the best things you do each and every day. Reading has an incredible number of benefits, including reducing stress, helping you live longer, boosting creativity and feeling better as a person. Also, there is almost no barrier to entry. Head down to your local library, grab a few books and get started today. With no cost involved, there is no reason not to take advantage of this positive change today. 

7. Always Be Grateful

It’s hard to focus on the positives sometimes, but one positive change that can vastly improve your life is to remember to be grateful. No matter how bad things may seem, someone out there likely has it worse. We should always try and remember to be grateful for our health, our families and all of the positive things in our lives. Consider making a list each day of all the things you are grateful for. You will quickly see how that list can bring a positive change to your daily mood. No matter how things turn out sometimes, there is always something to be grateful for, and it’s important to remember that each day. 


No one ever said that life would be easy or that it would be possible to think positively all the time. You can do so much to improve your life that is quick and easy, and it can change your outlook and happiness overnight. Our lives are a reflection of the choices we make, so if you want to feel better, you have to do something that makes you feel better. Change does not come without action, so what are you waiting for? 

David Beren

David Beren is a freelance writer with over 10 years of writing experience. He loves dogs, his kids and hacking productivity.